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Your Partner Providing Quality Care For Your Child!

Vybrant Potentials is a pioneer online platform that enables exceptional families to connect with professional specialized caregivers. What sets us apart is that we are an innovative virtual space networking entity that conveniently offers wide varieties of cutting edge services on one platform to the special needs community.

At Vybrant Potentials we know choosing the right caregiver for your family can be very challenging and overwhelming. So we created a platform where families of children with exceptional needs can have direct access to professional specialized caregivers.

Our Mission

Our aim at Vybrant Potentials is to create and provide quality services that will exceed customer expectations. We intend to maintain a good reputation, credibility, integrity, proficiency, and professionalism.

We are here for you.

We are not just a networking platform, but we are a catalyst of transformation fully invested in the success of clients and caregivers alike. We are your number one partner when it comes to finding the best caregivers for your family.

“As a parent, I know choosing the right caregiver for your family can be very challenging and overwhelming. So, I created a platform where families with children on the Spectrum or other intellectual disabilities can have direct access to professional specialized caregivers who are highly qualified and are equipped to work with the exceptional needs population.”

Our Managing Director

Sharon Bromfield

Sharon Bromfield holds a BA in Communication Sciences and Disorders from University of Central Florida and a MA in Applied Behavior Analysis and Autism from Ball University.

Sharon has over 10 years of experience working with neurodivergent children and adolescents. She works in various roles and across different settings including clinics, centers, homes, as well as working in the school system as a behavior consultant. 

Sharon founded Vybrant Potentials with the aim of creating and providing a wide variety of cutting edge services to the exceptional needs communities, after realizing that there is a dire need for additional support for families impacted by autism and other related disabilities.

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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